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Innovation Challenge videos
augmenting/redefining technology
audience I school administrators
Digital School Daily Logbook
Developed by : Cikgu Hj Fairul and Cikgu Shamsul SR Lambak Kanan, Jln 49
Their suggested solution was to create a Digital School Daily Logbook to replace the book they are currently using. The teachers create the new digital School's Daily Logbook using Microsoft Form. They make certain that it is simple while still containing all of the necessary information, and they include the ability to upload photos within the report. They designed it as a one-page report and used an Excel data link to generate a custom one-page report based on the data they chose. All of this is accomplished solely through the use of existing form responses
Digital Maintenance Report
Developed by : Cikgu Izyan Izzati Bte Ismail and Mazura Bte Johari SR PKN, Bukit Beruang
The school's facilities management is lacking, as evidenced by the fact that damage reports are exclusively handled by the FM in charge. On the other hand, the absence of organized documentation makes it challenging to monitor the progress of maintenance requests. Their suggested answer was to create methods for the FM Team members and the SMT to access the school's building and facilities damages and maintenance report digitally and methodically.
Digital Club Report
Developed by : Cikgu Hjh Junaidah Bte Hj Md Tahir, Nooraliham Bin Hj Muhammad and Mohammad Zhahir Bin Brahim SM SMJA
Their proposed solution was to create an online Notebook to collect data and information that could be divided into multiple sections, pages, and sub-pages. This allows them to quickly and easily organize and retrieve data and information. Instead of a single person, all members can update and edit the data and information.